Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Integrative and Functional Nutrition?

It seeks to understand the Root Causes of system imbalances in your body and treats the individual as a whole unique person using a holistic, multi-dimensional evidence and practice-based approach. You will walk away with a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and lifestyle to support the highest expression of health and healing.

What does Nutrition affect in your body?

cellular metabolism: chemical reactions in your cells that synthesize new material by using the energy from food you eat – nutrition also effects gene expression by the turning on and off of genes -as well as growth and repair of cells

What can a minor imbalance within the body produce?

A minor imbalance produces a cascade of biological triggers with long latency (present but not yet visible) effects that can eventually lead to poor health and chronic illness.

What is the difference between IFNCP and NTP Practitioners?

IFNCP also requires you to be a licensed or registered as health care providers whereas NTP (Nutrition Therapy Practitioner) does not have the high level education requirement.